So when I found digg a couple months ago, I thought it was pretty cool (being an information junkie and blogger, it seemed like second nature), and I added it to my links list and began reading it regularly.
But...I haven't read it for at least a month. Why? I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but bubblegen nailed it:
Reading Digg is like listening to a coked-up Connie Chung talking to the same 1000 Ajax worshippers...every second of every day.Ah...there it is. It's like myspace, except geekier, and without the obsessed-over profile photos. And who can keep up with sorting through four pages of links a day? Shitty content overload.
It's not that Digg inherently sucks. ... [but] the content is like the community. Digg's community of pimply teenagers can give me neither relevance nor depth.
The internet sucks, again. Oh well - I'm sure I'll find something new to fawn over. I always do.
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I totally agree. I still read it fairly regularly (if I have just a couple minutes to kill, I can get through the home page), but the content has gone down hill. Kevin Rose and company have been saying that they're going to make it less tech-centered, but the only changes I've seen since they got $2 million investment has been to the right nav and digg spy (which I dont' see the point of). It could be a lot better with a little more guidance from the workers--they can't leave it to anarchy.
yeah, or maybe split it up into topics based on tags - have a few different digg homepages with narrower focus. Or increase the number of diggs (as a percentage of active digg members) to get an item to the frontpage.
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