economics as self-defeatism.
hummer owners of the world unite:
consumption of large quantities of gas made affordable by wealth created in part by the very existence of the internal combustion engine will reduce the availability of oil. up goes the price of gas, down goes the gross national product.
the disturbing thing ends up being that, while economic and financial factors like this are eventually self-regulating, short of government intervention the demand vs supply ratio needs to swing way back up (along with the price) and have its way with the economy before collective usage habits change. then ultimately new ways of doing things - optimized for the higher cost of fuel - start to become obsolete in and of themselves as costs settle due to lower demand.
though since oil reserves are of course non-renewable, that will help prevent obsoletion of the more efficient uses of energy. unless some other fuel source comes along that ends up being cheaper, starting the whole cycle again.
it's really all kind of asinine, but inescapable at least for now.
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Dude... Maybe it's because I woke up at 4 this morning and can't read... but I think I need absynthe to understand what you just said.
Oh, no Mayslack's tonight--Do you want to come over to watch the debate?
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