Venture Capitalist MCs
I made my millions short-selling at the peak of the coke-rap bubble.
beach house
Ok, so you may have picked up on the fact that I tend to... sample lots of music to find the good stuff. This is mostly the case because I have such erratic, unpredictable taste - so much so that I can't even rely on pitchfork to consistently help me pick out obscure music i actually like.

after blowing off some of the chaff of a recent music sampling session (Annuals didn't do much for me, peter bjorn and john were ok, the mstrkrft album was a bit of a letdown), I'm left with the reason I sort through lot of stuff in the first place - beach house.

delicious! their sound is not for everyone though. it's decidedly not polished - my audio engineer instinct keeps telling me the tonal balance is shifted way too much toward the lower midrange - but it works really well here. sparse arrangements, rarely consisting of more than three or four elements: single-note guitar, vocals, buzzing casio organ/percussion...

the songs are catchy, though, but in a haunting kind of way.

check it out... it's already at the top of my 'best of 2006 which i didn't get around to actually hearing in 2006' list.