Venture Capitalist MCs
I made my millions short-selling at the peak of the coke-rap bubble.
I reserve the right to geek out occasionally.
This time it's business-y geekdom:
Another good post from Umair Haque @ bubblegeneration on market dynamics for VCs.
I think he's right on the general idea - that is; experience will lose some value while innovation/ideas become the new value driver - but may have some of the scale wrong. I think 'commoditized' is a bit of a strong word to use as it brings to mind grocery-store-chain economics rather than a relative drop in value.
I guess I'd see this as more of a rebalancing than an inversion of the way VCs currently operate. Smart, forward-thinking firms will create new business processes and structures to adapt to the change, and others will slowly lose opportunities, eventually destined to go the way of the dinosaur (yes, there's that analogy again).
the "scene" is out to get me
Or maybe they're just out to go to the shows I was planning on going to so the venues are sold out before I think about getting tickets...
Damn you, Triple Rock.
Damn you, 7th St. Entry.
Hopefully the Fine Line will be more...accomodating.
(While I'm at it, I might as well - Damn you, ticketmaster.)
the unintentional snobbish self-parody
Death to the internets!
Long live the internets!
It's odd. Gallieries like those linked to by 'blue states lose' half make me want to be involved in parties like that, and half make me want to slap everyone involved.
fear of girls
A friend sent me a link to this short, which was apparently shot/produced/etc in the Twin Cities area. These guys did a great job, and I found this really amusing even though I really don't have exposure to roleplaying except through a couple of friends...
Fear of Girls
Not perfect all the way through - but definitely has its quotable moments.
I hate myspace. No, wait - I fucking hate myspace.
It's mostly the overabundance of obsessively profile-updating teenagers who have nothing meaningful, interesting, funny, or remotely informative to say.
(It's probably bad I'm stereotyping myspace whores/teenagers like that. Then again, if I met the teenaged version of myself, I'd probably kick his ass. Or he mine...I'm not sure how that'd turn out.)
Anyway....I still refuse to become a part of myspace, but i'll still link to the dozens of people I know who are on there...bastards, every one.
fucking myspace.
new release of note
The Plastic Constellations have a new record coming out later this month - The Crusades. I liked their last one, Mazatlan, quite a bit so I'm excited to hear the new one. They're also having a release party at the Triple Rock later this month which I'm likely to hit up...
best director ever.
Uwe Boll seems to think an email interview means he doesn't need to spend more than 15 seconds typing an answer to each question... that, and some of his responses are just excessively distasteful.
(thanks, dan diehn)
unusual exchanges
So I'm on my way to work this morning and my sister (also roommate, for the time being) stops me.
"Do you have a will?"
"No, I'm 23. Why, did you poison my coffee?"
"I was just wondering..."
I don't know if I own an article of clothing that's mint green... but I think I just found my first one.